共催 Co-organizers
Institute for Innovative Global Education (IIGE) at Kansai University has been launched under the Inter-University Exchange Project –Supporting Exchange with U.S. Universities Using COIL-style Education– led by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). IIGE acts as the platform for COIL initiative in Japan for this project.
後援 Supporters
The Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA) is the only association dedicated exclusively to internationalization leaders in the field of international education. AIEA members are senior international officers (SIO) around the world who serve as leaders of higher education institutions and of organizations that support international higher education. Depending on their context, SIOs are also known as International Relations Officers, International Relations Managers, and so on. AIEA works by bringing international education leaders into dialogue with each other, their counterparts around the world, organizations that promote international education, and organizations concerned with the shaping and management of international higher education. AIEA gives members opportunities to join forces, share institutional strategies, and provide an effective voice on matters of public policy.
The Association for Innovative University Management (ANUM), founded in 2005 and comprising about 400 individual, 52 corporate members, aspires to promote university reform in both management and education through organizing HE policy forum, a publication of a monthly journal “University & College Management”, & training programs for university management.
JAISE was established in July 1996 to actively research and study on the topics of international student education, in cooperation with several stakeholders, such as national, public and private universities, business schools, as well as Japanese language institutions. It has been designated as one of the Cooperative Academic Research
Organizations of the Science Council of Japan since December 2002.
Founded in 2009, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) is a politically independent non-partisan and non-profit interdisciplinary think tank, conference organiser and publisher dedicated to encouraging interdisciplinary discussion, facilitating intercultural awareness and promoting international exchange.
「アジア太平洋大学交流機構(UMAP: University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific)」は、高等教育分野における政府、又は非政府の代表からなる任意団体です。メンバー大学は、複数関大額の交換留学、短期留学、研究助成プログラムに参加することが出来ます。
UMAP is a voluntary association of government and non-government representatives of the higher education sector. Member institutions can join multilateral/bilateral student exchange program, short term program, and Research Net.
BRIDGE Instituteは、国際教育に携わる教職員や社会人が集まり新しい時代の国際教育を切り開くために設立されたチームです。
The Groningen Declaration Network seeks common ground in best serving the academic and professional mobility needs of citizens worldwide by bringing together key stakeholders in the Digital Student Data Ecosystem at its Annual Meeting.
協賛 Sponsors
日本英語検定協会が行っている各種検定事業のひとつ、IELTS(アイエルツ)は、世界140カ国、10,000以上の機関で認定された信頼性の高いテストです。日本国内では、2010年4月よりブリティッシュ・カウンシルと共同運営しており、10年間で国内の受験者数は約6倍、会場数は全国16都市に拡大中です。これまで100以上の大学や高校等で団体受験も実施しました。本年9月からは、英検テストセンターでCDI(Computer Delivered IELTS)を開始予定です。コロナ渦での対応にも万全を期しつつ、受験者・団体様のさらなる利便性向上に努めてまいります。今後も英検IELTSへのご愛顧を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。
遠隔授業なら manaba
–大学での全学導入校 105校–
manaba は、教職員の方の利便性を考慮した設計で、遠隔授業での学生の学び、振り返り、成績管理をサポートし、遠隔授業の質を担保することができます。