Session 12「国際化は誰のために、何のために進めるのか?―国際化評価指標から考える―」
Internationalization – For Who And For What Purpose? Using Internationalization Indicators as a Starting Point for Discussion
渡部由紀 (東北大学)
太田浩 (一橋大学)
まとめとして、近年、日本政府が推進しているEBPM (Evidence-based Policy Making)、すなわち証拠に基づく政策立案とロジックモデルを紹介した。ロジックモデルは、スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業でも活用されているため、参考事例として提示し、それぞれの大学が建学の精神や憲章に基づき、国際化の目標を描き、独自の方法で推進していく必要性について述べ、本セッションを閉じた。
Comments from the Instructor
Yuki Watabe, Tohoku University
Hiroshi Ota, Hitotsubashi University
In recent years, focused internationalization efforts have been linked to an increase in the university’s quality. Furthermore, being acknowledged as an international university has become a way of value-adding to that university. Within this context, this session was held to reflect on the participants’ respective universities’ current state of internationalization, as well as to deepen the participants’ understanding of the way internationalization is being carried out and how it is being evaluated.
Firstly, a survey about the respective universities’ purpose of internationalization, their strategies, and the evaluation methods was carried out, and the results formed the basis for the formation of groups (4-5 people per group). Moreover, as preparatory work, a set of indicators for internationalization was given, and participants were asked to think about which indicators were important for evaluating their university’s internationalization. In addition, journal articles about internationalization indicators and two video lectures (20 minutes each) pertaining to internationalization in universities and surveys relating to that were provided beforehand as preparatory learning material in order to encourage a lively discussion during the session itself. During the session, the purposes, strategies, and evaluation methods of internationalization were discussed in smaller groups and as a whole group. After that, the same thing was done for internationalization indicators, which were discussed both in smaller groups and as a whole group. Padlet was used to share the opinions offered during these discussions.
In closing, the EPBM (Evidence-based Policy Making), a logic model for policy-making that the Japanese government has been promoting in recent years, was introduced. For this model to be used in the development and support of the Top Global University Project, case studies were presented, and the importance of deciding the purposes of internationalization, as well as promoting it using creative and unique ways based on each university’s motto and constitution, was expounded on before the session was closed.