Session 5「国際フィールドワークの実践と地球志民育成」
Fostering Global Citizenship – The Role of International Fieldwork
高橋 清隆 (東洋大学)
鈴木 大樹 (グローバル教育推進プロジェクト(GiFT))
辰野 まどか (グローバル教育推進プロジェクト(GiFT))
本分科会では、東洋大学とGiFTが2014年から協働で実施する共創・社会参画型の短期海外研修『Diversity Voyage』の存在意義や価値について、大学側やプログラムに同行するダイバーシティ・ファシリテーターの視点だけでなく、過去の参加者の声を集めた動画を含めて進行した。国際フィールドワークプログラムの実践例として、通常の語学研修とは何が異なるのか、プログラム内での対話や協働などを通じ深い相互理解を生み出す仕掛けは何なのか、参加者がより良い未来を共創するための学びにつなげるヒントはどこにあるのか、など多岐に渡る話題を語り合う時間となった。
東洋大学の高橋氏からは、7年前の開始時の期待を踏まえたプログラムの成果として「学生は次につながるエネルギーをもらって帰ってきているのではないか」「帰国して楽しかったで終わりではなく、Diversity Voyageは、参加者の人生の“始まり”だと思っている」といった特徴を共有いただいた。 また、辰野氏からは、グローバル・シチズンシップ(世界をよりよくする志)育成を目的としたDiversity Voyageの説明と共に、収録動画を通して過去の参加者の体験談が紹介された。参加をきっかけに何度もフィリピンに戻って現地で就職、その後も貧困問題解決のために活動を続けている大野雛子さん、プログラム後に自身の地元・米沢市に貢献したいという思いに気づき、Voyage同窓生と共に地域貢献活動を始めた高橋達也さん、そしてプログラムで自分を見つめ直したことをきっかけに、命や人権・健康に貢献したいという思いに気づき、現在はインドで働いている竹田桃子さんの話から、彼らの自己変容とその後についてよりリアルに伝えられる機会となった。鈴木氏からは、地球志民プロセス、ストーリーベースドラーニングなど、変容を促す鍵について共有され、参加者から多くの質問が寄せられた。
Kiyotaka Takahashi, Toyo University
Taiju Suzuki, Global Incubation x Fostering Talents (GiFT)
Madoka Tatsuno, Global Incubation x Fostering Talents (GiFT)
Comments from the Instructor
In this session, the meaning and value of the short term overseas program “Diversity Voyage”, implemented since 2014 in collaboration with Toyo University and GiFT, were discussed from the perspective of the university, and the Diversity Facilitator who accompanies every course of the program. Video recorded voices of past participants were also shown in this session.
Taking Diversity Voyage as an example of international fieldwork, the speakers had a dialogue on various topics including what is the difference from usual language programs? What kinds of mechanisms are necessary to bring about a deep level of mutual understanding among the participants through dialogue and collaborative activities in the program? What are the hints for us to let the participants navigate their own learning in order for them to co-create the better future?
Based on the expectations Mr Takahashi of Toyo University had when the Diversity Voyage started seven years ago, he shared the features of the program as its results stating “students seem to come back from the program with energy that leads to their next challenge or step” and “Diversity Voyage is not a program students just enjoy and done with it, rather, the program has remained as the beginning of the participants’ life.”
Ms Tatsuno also gave a detailed explanation of the Diversity Voyage and its aim to develop Global Citizenship (ambition to make the world a better place). In addition, personal experiences of the past participants were introduced through video:
Participation in the Diversity Voyage inspired Ms Hinako Ono to frequently return to the Philippines and start her first job there. She has since continued to engage in activities to solve the issues of poverty.
After the program, Mr Tatsuya Takahashi realized his intrinsic motivation to contribute to his hometown, Yonezawa city. He started social contribution activities for the local community with his fellow participants of the Diversity Voyage.
For Ms Momoko Takeda, Diversity Voyage was an opportunity to take a look at herself and it made her think that she wanted to dedicate herself for the betterment of people’s lives, human rights and health. Currently, she works in India.
Sharing these stories served as an opportunity to report about participants’ self-transformation and subsequent life path more realistically.
At the end of the session, Mr Suzuki also talked about keys to encourage students’ self-transformation including Global Citizenship Process and Story-Based Learning, this was followed by many questions from the participants of the session.