SIIEJ2020 基調講演・特別講演 Speakers

Fiona Hunter

Fiona Hunter is Associate Director at the Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation (CHEI) at the Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Italy and works as a consultant, trainer and researcher with a focus on strategic change. She is also a member of the International Advisory Board at the Universidad de Granada, Spain, member of the Scientific Council of AVEPRO (Holy See’s Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality in Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties), and Co-Editor of the Journal of Studies for International Education. Fiona is an EAIE Past President.

Keynote Presentation 基調講演
Building a Stronger Future for Internationalisation

船橋力 Chikara Funabashi

1970年、神奈川県生まれ。幼少期と高校時代を南米で過ごす。上智大学卒業後、伊藤忠商事株式会社に入社し、アジアで空港・地下鉄建設等のインフラプロジェクトに携わる。2000年に同社を退社後、株式会社ウィル・シードを設立し、企業および学校向けの体験型・参加型の教育プログラムを提供。Facebook創立者のマーク・ザッカーバーグやYou Tube創立者のスティーブ・チェンらが選ばれた世界経済フォーラム(ダボス会議)「ヤング・グローバル・リーダーズ2009」選出。2014年、日本のグローバル人材育成を目的とした官民協働留学創出プロジェクト「トビタテ!留学JAPAN」プロジェクトディレクターに就任。独自の留学プログラムを発案し、約1万人の高校生、大学生を海外に送り出す。2019年8月に海外での新たな仕掛けを模索するためシンガポールの拠点を移し、Asian Leaders Connecting Hub社を設立。その他、Beyond Tomorrow創業者代表、Table for Two理事、MORIUMIUS理事。

Chikara Funabashi is a Project Director of the “TOBITATE Leap for Tomorrow Scholarship Program”. Chikara founded and spearheaded this innovative educational system and unique youth diverse community. TOBITATE is well known as a first national Public-Private Partnership Project by the Ministry of Education in Japan with donations of approximately US$120 million from more than 240 major companies. The project has given scholarships to more than 8500 students and aims to have 10,000 students studying abroad by 2021.

Chikara is as an entrepreneur who has founded several institutions such as
1. Will Seed Corporation, a HR Consulting and HR Development/Training company
2. Table for Two International, a non-profit that aims to solve hunger and obesity problems through a unique “calorie transfer” program
3. Beyond Tomorrow, a non-profit that provides leadership development to youths orphaned and/or severely affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.

He has served as an adjunct professor at Waseda University Business School’s MBA program. He has also been selected as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum/Davos Conference, a Member of Asian Society 21, Forbes Philanthropist 2012 and US-Japan Innovators Network by Japan Society.

Keynote Presentation 基調講演
トビタテが切り開いた人材育成の新地平 New Horizons Created by "TOBITATE" Scholarships

佐藤邦明 Kunuaki Sato

秋田県庁在職中、国際教養大学の設置準備・運営に従事。文部科学省に転籍後、2011-2014年、高等教育局国際企画専門官として、Go Global Japan-経済社会の発展を牽引するグローバル人材育成支援-、スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業、大学の世界展開力強化事業、ジョイント・ディグリー制度の策定等、大学の国際化推進施策を担当。また、キャンパス・アジア、AIMSプログラム等、特にアジア諸国との高等教育における世界との協調に尽力。その後、京都大学にて企画課長、総長特命補佐、プロボストオフィス室長。2018年 高等教育局視学官・大学改革官を経て、2019年7月から現職。2020年6月、OECD高等教育に関する専門家会合副議長に就任。東京大学大学院教育学研究科修士課程修了。

Kuniaki Sato is Director of the Office for International Planning in the Higher Education Bureau at the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). He has over 20 years of experiences in higher education policy development. He was engaged in the establishment and management of a public university, Akita International University, before transferring to MEXT. From 2011 to 2014, Sato has led the development of a variety of internationalisation initiatives of Japan, such as the Go Global Japan Project, the Top Global University project, the Inter-University Exchange Project and Joint Degree Guideline. In addition, he has dedicated to harmonisation process in higher education especially with other Asian countries through various initiatives such as the CAMPUS Asia Project and the AIMS Program. In Kyoto University from 2015 to 2017, he served as Director of Planning, Special Advisor to the President for international strategy, and Director for Office of Provost. After returning to MEXT in 2018, he served as Inspector and Director for University Reform, and since July 2019, Director for Office for International Planning. In June 2020, He was appointed Vice-Chair of the Group of National Experts on Higher Education, OECD. He holds an MA in Education from the University of Tokyo.

Featured Presentation 講演
コロナ禍と教育交流の転換点 The Turning Point of Internationalization Effort and Educational Exchange and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Posted by A M Pratt