Round Table

A Dialogue with Embassies: The Role of Embassies in the Future Prospect of International Education

定員 Capacity: 定員なし No Limit

Abstract 概要:
Policymakers in OECD countries have been promoting student exchange and recruitment, aggressively setting high numerical targets such as 350,000 by 2020 (Germany) and 450,000 by 2022 (Canada). The rationale is not only the perception that international students bring a diversity of perspectives generating mutual understanding and a better campus learning environment for all, but at the same time, higher revenue for universities in an increasingly competitive world HE market. This session focuses on:
1) First, an overview of the schemes and support that four governments-- Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and the USA – have provided for their respective HEIs affecting major hubs of study abroad
2) Followed by a discussion on what they are planning to do to increase student exchange with Japan and how Japanese universities could collaborate with them better in this difficult time.

Learning objectives:
*The audience, especially those who are not knowledgeable about government and embassy roles and activities for student exchange, learns/reviews the various support and schemes these respective HE systems have been implementing to improve exchange with Japan.

*Study how higher education institutions and governments in four countries are responding to the unprecedented global health crisis, sharing trials and errors.

Speakers 発表者:

Peta Arbuckle ピタ・アーバックル
オーストラリア大使館 参事官 (教育・科学)
Australian Embassy - Counsellor (Education and Science)

Misako Kitaoka 北岡 美佐子
Director of Education – Japan, Education New Zealand
駐日代表 エデュケーション・ニュージーランド

Matthew Knowles マシュー・ノウルズ
Director Japan, British Council / Cultural Counsellor, British Embassy Tokyo

Alicia Edwards アリシア・エドワーズ
広報担当領事 駐大阪神戸米国総領事館
Public Affairs Officer, US Consulate General Osaka-Kobe

Gregory Poole グレゴリー・プール
同志社大学 教授 
Doshisha University - Professor

Mariko Watanabe 渡部 真理子
Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Shizuoka University
特任准教授 静岡大学

This session will be in English