協賛・協力・共催・後援 Supporters & Sponsors

主催 Organiser


Founded in 2014, the Research Consortium for the Sustainable Promotion of International Education (RECSIE) was established with the aim of making contributions to the internationalization of higher education and promoting a research agenda that goes beyond the borders of our individual universities.

共催 Co-sponsors

RARA(Ritsumeikan Advanced Research Academy/立命館先進研究アカデミー)は、立命館大学を代表する中核研究者の集まりであり、アカデミーの研究者たちは国内外の研究機関との連携を通じ、未来に貢献し、世界をリードする特色ある先導的・先進的研究拠点の形成を目指します。

Ritsumeikan University has set the goal of becoming a “next-generation research university” by 2030, engaging in creating social co-existing values and innovations to solve common social issues faced by humankind.
RARA consists of leading researchers of Ritsumeikan University, who aim to contribute to the future by collaborating with various counterparts worldwide, forming a world-leading academic platform.


The Japan Forum for Internationalization of Universities (JFIU) was established in September 2021 with the goal of creating an environment for strengthening cooperation in, and horizontal development of, diverse achievements among a group of universities leading internationalization, as well as further strengthening the international compatibility and competitiveness of higher education. The JFIU aims to improve the international reputation of Japan’s higher education and create a forum to promote internationalization for all Japanese universities.

東北大学 高度教養教育・学生支援機構は、高等教育や学生支援に関する調査研究、開発、企画、提言、実施を行い、教育の質的向上に貢献するための組織です。全学教育の開発や学生相談、保健管理、研究開発など幅広い役割を担っており、新しい高等教育モデルの構築を目指しています。また、卓越性と多様性の追求を柱に高度教養教育や学生支援を行い、より多くの学生のニーズに応えることを目指しています。

Tohoku University’s Organization for Advanced Education and Student Support is an organization dedicated to contributing to the improvement of the quality of education by conducting research, development, planning, proposals, and implementation related to higher education and student support. It plays a wide range of roles, including development of university-wide education, student counseling, health management, and research and development, and aims to create a new model of higher education. It also aims to meet the needs of more students by providing advanced liberal arts education and student support based on the pillars of excellence and diversity.


The Center for Global Education and Exchange, Toyo University, offers consultation services as well as a wide range of information regarding partner universities and their affiliated language schools. Reports submitted by students who studied abroad in the past are also available for those interested in study abroad. These reports cover a wide range of topics including information on credit transfer, job hunting, and so on. The Center also provides assistance and advice for self-financed international students.


Kansai University of International Studies is a private higher education institution consisting of three campuses in the Kansai area: one in downtown Kobe one in Amagasaki city, and one in the suburban town of Miki. Our school will celebrate its centennial anniversary in 2024. Since its founding, the University has adhered to the spirit of “I AI I EN” (Love Creates Belonging 以愛為園). It believes that human relationships are only established when there is mutual love and trust. Overall, the University’s goal is to further this spirit through cultivating within students a global perspective, love of humanity and an active, creativity.

関西大学グローバル教育イノベーション推進機構(IIGE)は、アジア・太平洋地域におけるオンライン国際教育、特にCOIL(Collaborative Online International Learning・海外とのオンライン協働学習)とVE(Virtual Exchange)を推進し、将来を担うグローバル人材の育成に取り組むリーディングセンターの1つである。 IIGEは、日本と諸外国間の既存の高等教育交流を強化するとともに、新たな交流関係を構築することを使命としています。COIL型教育(海外とのオンライン協働学習)を導入することで、様々なICTを用いて、学生と大学教員が国境を越えて共に教育に取り組むことができます。IIGEでは、日本と海外、特に日米間の高等教育機関でのバーチャル・コラボレーションを発信することで、新たなパートナーシップを生み出していきます。

Kansai University’s IIGE is one of the leading centers in Asia and the Pacific for online international education, particularly promoting COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) and VE (Virtual Exchange) to foster future-ready global human resources. IIGE aims to expand higher education ties between Japan and the rest of the world. Using widely available technology, students and faculty work together across borders by applying the COIL method. IIGE also serves as the International Secretariat of the Japan-COIL Association, which currently comprises 55 domestic universities, 11 supporting members, and 5 International Chapter members (as of 2023).


Established in 1991, our mission is to promote the healthy development of the study abroad industry in Japan by establishing ethical best practice guidelines for organizations, educating and training study abroad counselors and advisors, and engaging in various other promotional activities to increase awareness of, and further the development of a safe and rewarding environment for Japanese study abroad students. Recognized by the Japanese government as a General Incorporated Association in 2008, JAOS membership consists not only of private companies but also includes public organizations such as the Australian Embassy Marketing Office and the British Council, as well as various trade-related associations. As of 2014, total membership now exceeds 60 organizations. JAOS is also an active member of the international association FELCA (The Federation of Education and Language Consultant Associations). By representing Japan through this membership, JAOS is able to educate and promote Japanese market needs to industry providers and assist them in developing the optimal study abroad environment for Japanese study abroad students.

Blended Mobility (BM)は、「オンライン教材やオンラインでの交流の機会を、従来の「場所」に根差した授業方法と組み合わせた教育へのアプローチ」を意味します。オンライン教育と実際の渡航を組み合わせた留学を行なうことで、「Society5.0人材」の育成を推進します。また、BMによる次世代国際教育モデルの開発と、日本国内全体での展開促進を担うプラットフォームとしてJIGE(Japan hub for Innovative Global Education)という組織を発足させ、BM教育を担う教員のトレーニング(キャパシティビルディング)や、オンライン型国際教育の促進と効果検証、デジタルの学修歴証明の国内展開に取り組みます。

Blended Mobility (BM) refers to “an approach to education that combines online teaching materials and opportunities for online interaction with traditional place-based education. The development of Society 5.0 human resources through a combination of online education and actual study abroad will be promoted. The project also collaborates to launch an organization called JIGE (Japan hub for Innovative Global Education) as a platform for developing next-generation international education models based on BM and promoting their deployment throughout Japan. JIGE will work on training (capacity building) for BM educators, promoting and testing the effectiveness of online international education, and developing digital certificates of academic achievement in Japan.

後援 Supporters


MEXT was established in 2001, merging the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, and the Science and Technology Agency, following the reorganization of central government ministries and agencies. MEXT plays a crucial role to provide the foundations to promote education, S&T, academic research, sport, and maintain Japan’s presence on the global stage as the nation has few resources. MEXT also develops policies for citizens to lead rich lives and stay healthy in mind and body.


株式会社GESは、日中間の教育交流を深め、友好を促進する目的で、中国駐日大使館教育処、日本外務省、日本貿易振興会などの公的機関の後援及び助成により2001年に創業しました。これまで20年以上にわたり培った経験と実績に加え、国際教育サービスの理念のもと、新たな事業領域を開拓しています。 短期プログラムを始め、半期留学プログラムでは通常の留学に加え、大学院進学の予備コースとしても活用していただいております。更に、国際転入制度、日中共同プログラムの設置、日中学長会議の実施など、幅広い交流と質の高いプログラムを提供しています。弊社は、中国のトップ大学及び高等学校を合わせ300校以上と提携、日本の有力大学及び高等学校を合わせ100校以上とお取引をさせていただいています。特に、日本の19大学様の中国現地事務所の運営を受託しており、中国との教育交流を担うトップ企業を目指しています。


JAISE was established in July 1996 to actively research and study on the topics of international student education, in cooperation with several stakeholders, such as national, public and private universities, business schools, as well as Japanese language institutions. It has been designated as one of the Cooperative Academic Research
Organizations of the Science Council of Japan since December 2002.


Founded in 2009, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) is a mission-driven politically independent non-partisan and non-profit organisation dedicated to encouraging interdisciplinary discussion, facilitating intercultural awareness and promoting international exchange, principally through educational interaction and academic research.

「世界中の人が、すべてのデータに、母国語でアクセスできるようにする」をミッションに、Web サイトを最大45言語・79のロケールに多言語化、海外プロモーションや留学生対応を成功に導く多言語化ソリューション。

With the mission of “Create a world where all people can access all data in their native language”, we provide multilingual solutions that translate websites into up to 45 languages and 79 locales, helping to successfully promote overseas businesses and support international students.


The Association for Innovative University Management (ANUM), founded in 2005 and comprising about 400 individual, 52 corporate members, aspires to promote university reform in both management and education through organizing HE policy forum, a publication of a monthly journal “University & College Management”, & training programs for university management.

BRIDGE Instituteは、国際教育に携わる教職員や社会人が集まり新しい時代の国際教育を切り開くために設立されたチームです。



NPO法人 学校経理研究会は、昭和52年に学校法人の財務経理に関心をもつ有志によって結成されました。初代は、学校法人会計基準制定のため発足した「学校法人財務基準調査研究会」の座長であられた古川栄一先生、昭和61年からは、会計基準制定に尽力された三角哲生先生が当会の長を務められ、長年にわたり私学のために尽くされました。その間、会誌『月刊 学校法人』の創刊をはじめとし、講習会や参考図書の刊行等の事業をすすめられ、会員校も増加し、会誌も460号以上を算えるにいたりました。


DMM English Conversation is an online English conversation service that is tailored to fit the needs of the educational environment. With one-on-one lessons, we cater to each student’s English level, and our diverse team of instructors from over 120 countries provides opportunities not only to learn but also to deepen international understanding.


As the official representative of over 300 universities and 200 language schools worldwide, including those in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Malaysia, such as the State University of New York and California State University, we provide free support for study abroad consultations, the arrangement of procedures, orientations, and more. Additionally, we also offer information on the online English program offered by Texas State University.

2006年5月11日設立。株式会社リクルートHR事業新規事業開発室から株式会社リクルートマネジメントソリューションズを経て、スピンアウトして設立した会社です。主な商品として、1)アセスメント(R-CAP, PROG, STRENGTH)、2)キャリア系授業の設計~講師派遣およびアウトソーシング、3)「タクナル」などの教材販売、4)最新AIエンジンを搭載した英語スピーキングテスト「AISATS」の販売が挙げられます。特にジェネリックスキル測定ツール「PROG」は、2012年に日本の高等教育機関向けリリースを皮切りに、高校生版、看護版、社会人版、英語版、そして2023年6月にはタイ国内で「PROGタイ語版*」をリリースしています。(*タイ語版は、現在のところ、コンピテンシー部分のみのリリース)


Manages the multilingual media “WA.SA.Bi.” with over 17,000 student users from 114 countries.
Holistic support for studying in Japan, Japanese language learning, daily life and employment.
Facilitating partnerships between universities in Japan and abroad.
We are recognized by a wide range of academic institutions.


The Eiken Foundation of Japan is dedicated to promoting and enhancing practical English skills by providing a variety of certification tests, including the Test in Practical English Proficiency (EIKEN), teacher-training programs, and research grants. Our goal is to cultivate learners’ abilities and contribute to the promotion of lifelong learning. In recent years, there has been a growing trend of using commercially produced English exams for university and high school admissions, and many institutions rely on EIKEN, TEAP, and IELTS, which are administered by the Eiken Foundation. To enhance convenience for both examinees and institutions, we are taking steps such as increasing the range of available test dates and formats, further improving the reporting of test results, and expanding the results download system.

SAFは、1950年に設立されたシカゴに拠点を置く501(c)(3)の非営利団体IES Abroadを母体にもち、メンバー大学間の学生モビリティーを促進しており、中国、韓国、日本の大学生に向けて欧米諸国及びアジアにおける1学期、1年間、または夏季の期間で実施される単位認定留学プログラムやIES Abroad Centersでの春夏短期研修を提供しています。

SAF is part of IES Abroad, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization based in Chicago since 1950. SAF facilitates student mobility between our international university partners. We provide students from China, Korea, and Japan with for-credit study abroad opportunities during semester, year-long, and summer terms across the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, and Asia. We offer short-term spring/summer study tours at IES Abroad Centers as well.


JTB Group mission is to bring satisfying and joyful experiences to customers through creation of opportunities providing multicultural exchange and understanding with people, nature and history in the global environment based on 100 years of serving customers with the objective to enhance their lifestyle quality.

SAFEYは、モバイル・ワイヤレス通信の革新者として、20年以上の経験を持つ情熱的なチームによって設立されました。 私たちは、企業や教育機関に、従業員、学生、教職員の意識と安全を維持するために不可欠な危機管理ツールを提供することを使命としています。

SAFEY was founded by a passionate team with over 20 years of experience as mobile and wireless communication innovators, world travelers and former study abroad students. Our seasoned brain trust makes it their mission to give business and educational institutions the indispensable tools for keeping employees, students and faculty aware and safe. SAFEY is proudly headquartered in the greater Seattle area, USA with offices, strategic partners and resources covering the globe.

manaba は、LMSとポートフォリオが一体となったクラウド型の教育支援サービスです。


今後も「シンプル・かんたん・安心」をコンセプトに、「 manaba 」機能の拡充やサービス体制の強化に取り組んでまいります。


Since its establishment in 1969, IDP Education has co-owned and operated IELTS across 1,500 test centers in 56 countries worldwide.
In Japan, IDP began directly administering IELTS in 2016 and currently offers testing in 13 cities. Additionally, IDP provides group testing services with a focus on minimizing hassles for partners and maximizing performance for students.
Furthermore, IDP is committed to promoting DEI by initiatives such as providing sanitary products in test venue restrooms.



Pearson Japan, a subsidiary of Pearson PLC – the world’s leading education provider – empowers learners to reach their full potential.
We deliver high-quality digital tools, engaging experiences, and valuable assessments, helping individuals develop the skills needed to thrive in our ever-evolving world.