ユーチューブを活用した国際教育の推進 - 学術的で魅力的なコンテンツの制作 Promoting International Education through YouTube: Creating Academic and Engaging Content
Date/Time: 8月8日 (木) Thu, Aug 8 (10:40-12:00)実施方法 Method of Presentation: 対面 / Face to face
Language: 日英バイリンガル Japanese-English bilingual
Pre-assignment: ご自身の研究分野から1分以内で紹介できるインパクトのある事例、話題、または素材を準備してください。録画できる機能をもつスマートフォンなどをご持参ください。Please prepare an impactful example, topic, or material from your research field that you can introduce in under 1 minute. Please bring a smartphone or similar device capable of recording.
備考/Remarks: 自身の研究を持ち、他の分野の方にそれを十分に紹介できる能力があること、異文化間でのコミュニケーション経験があること、動画制作スキルや経験は必要ありません。It is expected that you have expertise in your own research field and the ability to effectively introduce it to individuals from other fields. Experience in cross-cultural communication is desirable, but video production skills or experience are not necessary.
Abstract 概要
このセッションでは、異文化間コミュニケーション能力の向上を目的とし、参加者は自身の研究テーマを世界中の人々にどのように理解してもらうかを探求します。デジタルメディア、特にユーチューブを活用した、学術的かつ魅力的なコンテンツ制作方法に焦点を当て、ダイバーシティ、エクイティ、インクルージョンを推進します。参加者は実践を通じて必要なスキルや方法を体験し、大学のゼミナールなどで学生への応用方法を共に考えます。具体例として、近世日本の江戸の一般市民の考え方を国際的に理解するために実施しているユーチューブチャンネル(@andrea.academy, @andreaedoresearch)からの経験や方法、概念を紹介します。
● 異文化間のコミュニケーション能力および歴史的理解を育成するためのビデオコンテンツ制作
● 参加者間での国際的なコラボレーションと相互理解を深める
● 大学生に実践的な課題としてビデオ制作を経験させ、クリエイティブな思考と国際社会を生きていくの必要なスキルを意識させる
● 参加者は、英語または日本語のどちらかを選択して積極的にセッションに参加することができ、学習体験を高めるだけでなく、国際的な協力と理解の幅を広げることができる。
1. 導入
2. 異文化間の能力育成のためのビデオ制作の基礎
3. グループワーク: 企画立案
4. ビデオ制作実習
5. ビデオ発表とフィードバック
This session aims to boost intercultural communication skills, focusing on sharing research globally through digital platforms, notably YouTube. It highlights the importance of crafting content that champions diversity, equity, and inclusion. Attendees will gain practical video production experience, applicable across disciplines, and learn to integrate digital storytelling into academic settings. The session also explores using these methods in college seminars to enrich education for both students and educators. In today’s fast-paced information era, adopting such innovative approaches is crucial. I’ll share insights from my YouTube channel (@andrea.academy, @andreaedoresearch), which presents Edo-era (early-modern) Japan’s narratives to a worldwide audience, demonstrating how to communicate complex ideas effectively in our interconnected society. This session is not just about learning new skills—it’s about reshaping how we communicate complex ideas in an interconnected world.
Workshop Objectives and Expected Outcomes
Welcome to our session! Our mission is to leverage the power of video content to connect cultures and foster a deeper understanding of the academic world. Here’s what we aim to achieve:
· Enhance Intercultural Communication: Through the creation of video content, we aim to boost intercultural communication skills and foster a richer understanding of historical contexts.
· Foster International Collaboration: We’re set on deepening the bonds of international collaboration and understanding amongst participants.
· Practical Experience for University Students: This session offers university students practical experience in video production, regardless of their field of study. It’s not just about making videos; it’s about sparking creative thinking and equipping students with the skills needed for our global society.
· Bilingual platform and the flexibility to choose groups: Attendees can choose to engage in the activities in either English or Japanese, which not only enhances the learning experience but also broadens the scope of international collaboration and understanding.
Content and Flow of the Workshop
1. Introduction
The workshop will commence with an overview of a tri-lingual YouTube channel, dedicated to disseminating Edo (early-modern Japanese) culture to a variety of audiences, including contemporary Japan. The session will cover the channel’s development and utilization, with a focus on its application within academic environments.
2. Basics of Video Production for Intercultural Competence
This segment emphasizes the importance of content over technicality. We will delve into the fundamental principles of creating and editing videos that not only engage the audience but also effectively communicate the intended message across different cultures.
3. Group Work: Planning
Participants will be organized into small groups to initiate the brainstorming process. The aim is to develop video concepts that integrate intercultural and international perspectives into their academic projects, promoting a broader understanding and appreciation of diverse viewpoints.
4. Video Production Practice
Each group will produce a short video under 1 minute. This exercise encompasses all aspects of video production, from understanding the target audience and choosing the appropriate language to drafting the script, filming, and editing. No prior video editing experience is required; the focus will be on using easily accessible tools like smartphones and basic editing software such as CANAVA.
5. Video Presentation and Feedback
The session will culminate with the presentation of the videos created by the groups. This will be followed by a discussion to assess if the workshop objectives have been met, incorporating feedback from the participants to foster a reflective learning environment.
Speakers 発表者:
チェンドム・アンドレア Andrea CSENDOM東京外国語大学大学院総合国際学研究科 外国人特別研究員
Research Fellow, Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
岡田 昭人 Akito OKADA
東京外国語大学大学院総合国際学研究院 教授
Professor, Institute of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies