趣旨 | Summary
"Rebuilding the Network of International Education Professionals"
ゲストスピーカー略歴 | Guest Speakers Biography
近藤 祐一 Yuichi KONDO
インカーネイトワード大学 国際アドミッション アジア担当 International Admissions Liaison-Asia, The University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas
Yuichi Kondo, PhD, a former professor at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Beppu, Japan, served as the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs to expand the international partnership with universities in the United States, Asia, and Europe. He also played a crucial role in obtaining several Japanese government grants for the university. He also was the Dean of Admissions, supervising Japanese and non-Japanese student recruitment and screening. In addition to the administrative responsibilities, he taught some intercultural experiential courses in Asia that dispatch about 300 students a year. Dr Kondo has been active in international education associations conducting various workshops and making presentations since he completed his degree at the University of Minnesota, majoring in intercultural communication and international education.
Yuichi Kondo is now the International Admissions Liaison-Asia for the University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas, assisting its effort in global education by expanding the intake of Asian students and the academic linkage with Japanese and Asian universities.
横山匡 Tadashi YOKOYAMA
株式会社アゴス・ジャパン 代表取締役 Chairman of the Board, AGOS Japan
一般社団法人 HLAB 共同創設者・理事、
一般社団法人 海外留学協議会(JAOS)評議員
中学校時代をイタリア、高校・大学時代をアメリカで過ごす。UCLA言語学卒。大学在学中に日本人初のNCAAバスケットボールチーム・ヘッドマネージャーとして各地に遠征し、経験談がNewsPicsで連載として紹介されている。1983年卒業後帰国。以来語学指導、留学指導に携わり続けている。1986年に大手留学支援エージェントに入社、大学進学プログラムサービスを開発し進学指導プログラムの責任者として12年間勤務。1998年より現職のアゴスジャパンにて出願指導部門の責任者から社長、会長を担い、現在はアゴス・ジャパン代表取締役。その他、アスリート指導・支援、グローバルキャリア指導に関わり、くもん出版社発行 「英語で夢を実現していったアスリートたち」(5冊)、「海外で学び夢のキャリアを実現させる」(3冊)の総監修を担う。
After spending Junior High School days in Italy, Tadashi moved to southern California. He earned his college degree in Linguistics at The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
AGOS Japan, a study-abroad preparation school he runs, helps about 1,000 students annually successfully get accepted to competitive undergraduate & graduate schools in major study-abroad destination countries.
He also served as Council for JAOS (Japan Association of Overseas Studies), an industry association of over 60 organizations related to study-abroad support services. He has been an active member of NAFSA: Association of International Educators, since 1987. He is also a Co-Founder of HLAB / Shimokita College, a summer school and dormitory to promote global, residential and diversity education to high school and college students.
He is also actively involved in supporting top level athletes through methodology he developed based on his experience as UCLA Basketball Head Manager during his college days. He serves on the advisory board for Work-Life Balance, Inc. and ICHI Commons, Inc.
堀江未来 Miki HORIE
立命館大学グローバル教養学部 教授 Professor, College of Global Liberal Arts, Ritsumeikan University
立命館小学校 校長 Principal, Ritsumeikan Primary School
国際教育の研究者・実践者として、異文化体験による自己成長のメカニズムの探求と初等・中等・高等教育におけるプログラム開発に取り組んできました。また、附属校校長(2017~2020年: 立命館小学校・立命館中学校・高等学校、2021年~現在: 立命館小学校)として多様な児童生徒の成長の形に接し、"Interculturalist-Principal "という独自の役割を全うできるように努めています。BRIDGE Institute代表。名古屋大学修士(教育学)、ミネソタ大学ツインシティーズ校Ph.D.(教育政策行政学)。
Miki Horie, PhD, is a researcher and practitioner of international education and has been committed to exploring mechanisms of personal growth through intercultural experiences and developing educational programs throughout primary, secondary, and tertiary education. She is also a school principal (2017-2020: Ritsumeikan Primary School and Ritsumeikan Junior and Senior High School, 2021-present: Ritsumeikan Primary School) and has been involved in the actual personal development of various individuals. Such experiences motivated her to develop her unique career identity as "Interculturalist-Principal”. She also heads the BRIDGE Institute, an independent organization of international education facilitators. She received BA and MA degrees in Education from Nagoya University, Japan, and PhD in Educational Policy and Administration in 2003 from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.