概要 | Summary
開催日時 Date and Time:2023年7月20日(木) 13時-14時 13:00-14:00, Thursday, July 20
*同時通訳付 with simultaneous translation
ゲストスピーカー略歴 | Guest Speaker Biographies
小林洋介 Yosuke KOBAYASHI
文部科学省高等教育局参事官(国際担当) Director, International Affairs Division, Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology
Mr.Yosuke KOBAYASHI, Director, International Affairs Division, HigherEducation Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science andTechnology, Japan, had begun his career in the ministry in 1996 and has over 25 years of experiences in various fields, such as higher education policy, technical education, international strategy planning at office of the director-general for international affairs, and most recently earthquake and disaster-reduction research, for which he served as director of the division. His expertise concerning higher education and its international promotion has also been enriched through his experience as first secretary of permanent delegation of Japan to UNESCO. Mr. Kobayashi has been in his current position and in charge of international affairs in the Higher Education Bureau as the director of the International Affairs Division since February 2023.
山口昌弘 Masahiro YAMAGUCHI
東北大学副学長(教育改革・国際戦略担当) Vice President for Education Reform and Global Engagement, Tohoku University
山口 昌弘(やまぐち まさひろ)東北大学副学長(教育改革・国際戦略担当)、高等大学院機構長、高等教育機構グローバルラーニングセンター長、文化・言語教育センター長、国際戦略室長。大学の国際化において、特に国際戦略や国際教育の設計に重要な役割を果たした。東北大学スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業の実施に尽力。2003年より理学研究科物理学専攻の教授を務める。研究分野は素粒子物理学と宇宙論。1996年に西宮湯川記念賞(受賞研究「超対称標準理論におけるヒッグス粒子の質量」、KEK岡田安弘氏との共同受賞)。
Masahiro Yamaguchi is Vice President for Education Reform and Global Engagement, and also Director of Advance Graduate School, Director of the Global Learning Center and the Center for Culture and Language Education in the Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, as well as Director of the International Strategy Office at Tohoku University. He has played an important role in the internationalization of the university, in particular in designing the international strategy and international education. He has devoted himself to the implementation of the Tohoku University’s Top Global University Project. He has been a professor at the Department of Physics in the Graduate School of Science since 2003. His research area is theoretical particle physics and cosmology. He was awarded the Nishinomiya-Yukawa Memorial Prize in 1996.