Friday, August 26, 13:00 (JST) 8月26日(金)13:00~14:50
Special Session 2: New Trends in Inter-University Collaboration in the Asia Pacific Region
Special Session 2: New Trends in Inter-University Collaboration in the Asia Pacific Region
コロナ禍を経て、UMAPを基盤とした教育交流の実践者からのケース・レポートをおこなう。また、AUN, AIMS, ASEAN+3など、アジア太平洋における大学間コンソーシアムがコロナ禍を経て、どのような新たな取り組みをすすめているか、を紹介しながら、比較検証をおこなう。
Case reports will be presented from practitioners of UMAP-based educational exchange after the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, we will introduce and compare the new initiatives of inter-university consortiums in the Asia-Pacific such as AUN, AIMS and ASEAN +3 after the COVID-19 pandemic.
主旨説明 Introductions
Collaboration is the Key: A Successful Practice Example for Consortium-based Virtual Exchange/COIL
池田 佳子 Keiko IKEDA (関西大学 教授 Professor, Kansai University)
Emerging Innovations and Opportunities for Partnership Development
Randall MARTIN (Deputy Secretary General, UMAP International Secretariat
Executive Director, BC Council for International Education)
13:45-13:50 休憩 Short Break
Comprehensive Collaborations in Asia and the Pacific: Advancing Partnerships between Universities, Colleges, and Technical Institutes for Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity
Chelsey LAIRD (Director, UMAP International Secretariat)
Redesigning Concepts, Policies and Strategies in a Changing Era of Internationalisation: The ASEAN experience
Abdul Latiff AHMAD (Director, International Relations Centre, University Kebangsaan Malaysia)
Q&A followed by a Panel Discussion
Speakers 発表者:
Professor, Division of International Affairs, Kansai University

Keiko Ikeda is a Professor in the Division of International Affairs, and KU-COIL Coordinator at Kansai University. Recently, she has taken the role as the principal project manager for the Inter-University Exchange Project funded by MEXT, 2018-2022 ("COIL Plus Program to Develop Global Career Mindset"). Keiko is Vice-Director for the newly-established organization at Kansai University, Institute for Innovative Global Education (IIGE).
国際部教授およびKU-COILコーディネーター。「グローバル・キャリアマインドを培うCOIL Plusプログラム」の主任プロジェクトマネージャーであり、グローバル教育イノベーション推進機構(IIGE)の副機構長を務める。ハワイ大学マノア校で日本語学、外国語教育、会話分析を専門とする博士号を取得。「グローバル・キャリアマインドを培うCOIL Plusプログラム」の他に、国内大学に在籍する外国人留学生の就職促進及び定着の事業(留学生就職促進プログラム等)も手掛けている。
Abdul Latiff AHMAD
Director, International Relations Centre, University Kebangsaan Malaysia

Abdul Latiff Bin Ahmad is the Director of the International Relations Centre (UKM Global) and an Associate Professor in the Centre of Research in Media and Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He obtained his PhD in Communication Studies from the University of Queensland, Australia. He is currently the Malaysian Regional Vice President for the World Communication Association. He is also a Fulbright Alumni. His research interests include intercultural communication and internationalization. He has led research grants and consultancy projects from Toshiba International Foundation, Ministry of Youth and Sports Malaysia, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, SHARE (European Union Support to Higher Education in the ASEAN Region), and the Central Bank of Malaysia.
Chelsey LAIRD
Director, UMAP International Secretariat

Chelsey LAIRD
Chelsey is the Director of the UMAP International Secretariat. She has over a decade of experience working in the Canadian higher education context, contributing to internationalization initiatives at several public post-secondary institutions. She has led and supported programs such as education abroad, international student engagement and retention, intercultural competency development and international relations management. Chelsey has led various initiatives in the SE Asia region, including the UMAP Canada initiative, Study in BC activities, and several partnership-development and government relations events. Chelsey holds a Bachelor of Arts from Wilfrid Laurier University, a Master of Arts from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and is currently pursuing her Doctor of Education from Simon Fraser University, Canada.
Randall MARTIN
Deputy Secretary General, UMAP International Secretariat
Executive Director, BC Council for International Education

Randall MARTIN
Since 2006, Randall has led the British Columbia Council for International Education (BCCIE) in advancing the Province of British Columbia’s agenda on international education. His experience spans more than 30 years in post-secondary education, development education, project management and implementation, and international education, having worked on projects in institutions, associations, and societies across British Columbia. He regularly engages in external reviews and consultations for institutions and other jurisdictions. Randall is the author or co-author of numerous papers and is a sought-after speaker and regular presenter at national and international conferences and symposia.
使用言語:英語・日本語 同時通訳あり English & Japanese (simultaneous interpretation)
会場で同時通訳の音声を聴く場合、ノートパソコン(タブレット)、イヤフォン(ヘッド フォン)が必要です。ご用意ください。
Onsite participants will need to bring their own smartphone or iPad, and earphones/headphones to access the simultaneous interpretation.