Opening Event オープニング・イベント

Thursday, August 25 13:00 (JST) 8月25日(木)午後1時〜

開会挨拶 Opening Ceremony

前田 裕 Yutaka MAEDA

関西大学 学長 President, Kansai University

渡辺 栄二 Eiji WATANABE 

Chief Inspector for Schools Leader,
International Strategy Team Higher Education Bureau,
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan

Libing WANG

UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education

Social Cooperation in International Education: How International Education Confronts Social Issues


The challenge of international education has been focused on the development of global human resources and the recruitment of international students, but after the COVID-19 pandemic experience, there is a growing awareness of the need to confront global social issues and link them to the internationalization of the education system and society.

Speakers 発表者:

クリス・バージェス Chris BURGESS

Professor, Tsuda University


クリス・バージェス Chris BURGESS

イギリス出身。2004年オーストラリア・モナッシュ大学で博士号を取得。『(Re)Constructing Identities: International Marriage Migrants as Potential Agents of Social Change in a Globalising Japan』​​​​と題した博士論文では、17人の外国人女性が山形に移住した後、どのように自分のアイデンティティに取り組み、意味を見出したかを研究した。現在、津田塾大学教授として、日本学とオーストラリア学を教えている。研究テーマは、現代日本における移民、アイデンティティ、多文化主義。近著に、2018年の出入国管理法改正の分析(EJCJS 2020)、COVID-19の在日外国人への影響に関する論文(IRiS Working Papers Series 2021)などがある。ブログ『A British Prof in Japan』には、 さまざまな視点から現代日本社会を切り取った、200以上の投稿がある。

Originally from the UK, Chris Burgess completed his PhD at Monash University, Melbourne, in March 2004. His thesis, entitled "(Re)Constructing Identities: International Marriage Migrants as Potential Agents of Social Change in a Globalising Japan", looked at how seventeen women of foreign origin grappled with and made sense of their identities after migrating to Yamagata, northeast Japan. He is currently Professor at Tsuda University, Tokyo, where he teaches Japanese and Australian studies. His research focuses on migration, identity, and multiculturalism in contemporary Japan. His most recent publications include an analysis of the 2018 revisions to Japan’s Immigration Control Act (EJCJS 2020) and a paper on the Impact of COVID-19 on Foreign Residents in Japan (IRiS Working Papers Series 2021). His blog, A British Prof in Japan, contains over 200 posts commenting on various aspects of contemporary Japanese society.

藤元 明緒 Akio FUJIMOTO



藤元 明緒 Akio FUJIMOTO

1988年生、大阪府出身。ビジュアルアーツ専門学校大阪で映画制作を学ぶ。 日本に住む、あるミャンマー人家族の物語を描いた長編初監督作『僕の帰る場所』(18/日本=ミャンマー) が第30回東京国際映画祭「アジアの未来」部門2冠など受賞を重ね、世界各地で上映される。 長編二本目となる『海辺の彼女たち』(20/日本=ベトナム)で、サンセバスチャン国際映画祭に選出させ、国内の主要新人賞である新藤兼人賞金賞、大島渚賞、日本映画批評家大賞新人賞などの受賞を重ねた。 現在、アジアを中心に劇映画やドキュメンタリーなどの制作活動を行っている。

Akio Fujimoto was born in Osaka, Japan in 1988. He studied filmmaking at Visual Arts College Osaka. His first feature film, "Passage of Life" (2018, Japan/Myanmar), about a Myanmar family living in Japan, won two awards at the 30th Tokyo International Film Festival in the "Future of Asia" category and has been screened around the world. His second feature film, "Along the Sea" (2020, Japan/Vietnam), was selected for the San Sebastian International Film Festival and won the Kaneto Shindo Award, the Oshima Prize, the Japanese Movie Critics Award for Best Newcomer, and other major domestic awards.
Akio is currently producing dramatic films and documentaries mainly in Asia.

テュアン・シャンカイ Tuan SIANKHAI

Second-generation refugee from Myanmar


テュアン・シャンカイ Tuan SIANKHAI

1993年東京生まれ。両親はミャンマー・チン州より1991年に亡命。生まれた時に両親がオーバーステイ状態だったため長らく無国籍状態に。 2006年在留特別許可を取得したのち2021年に日本国籍を取得。 2012年、難民を対象とした推薦入学制度を利用し関西学院大学総合政策学部に入学。在学中に食を通じて難民支援を行う「Meal For Refugees(M4R)」を立ち上げ全国の大学およそ40大学に難民の故郷の味を提供。 大学卒業後はIT企業、ギフト系ベンチャー企業での勤務を経て、現在は個人事業主として働く傍ら自身のルーツであるミャンマー・チン州への支援も行っている。

Tuan Siankhai was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1993. His parents defected from Chin State, Myanmar in 1991. Because his parents overstayed when he was born, he was stateless for a long time. He obtained special permission for residence in 2006 and became a Japanese citizen in 2021. In 2012, Tuan entered the School of Policy Studies at Kwansei Gakuin University through a recommendation system for refugees. While a student at Kwansei Gakuin University, he launched "Meal For Refugees” (M4R) to support refugees through food, providing the taste of refugees' hometowns to about 40 universities nationwide. After graduating from university, Tuan worked for an IT company and a gift startup company, and now works as a sole proprietor while also supporting his roots in the Chin State of Myanmar.

使用言語:英語・日本語 同時通訳あり English & Japanese (simultaneous interpretation)**
会場で同時通訳の音声を聴く場合、ノートパソコン(タブレット)、イヤフォン(ヘッド フォン)が必要です。ご用意ください。
Onsite participants will need to bring their own smartphone or iPad, and earphones/headphones to access the simultaneous interpretation.