8月27日 | Session E

SDGs, Strategic Planning and Sustainable Partnerships- Learning lessons together in University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP)

Date/Time: 8/27 09:00-10:20 (180min)
Capacity: 50
Language: English
Target level: 全レベル / All levels
Format of presentation:Presentation
Pre-assignment: No

Abstract 概要

University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP) is a student mobility consortium that has 22 active member countries and over 200 higher education institutions. As a result of COVID19, a new strategic planning process was implemented in 2021 under the direction of the UMAP Chairperson, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in the Philippines, and under the administrative leadership of the International Secretariat, currently being hosted in Canada at Vancouver Community College.

​The strategic plan outlines a framework to approach the new and evolving realities of higher education mobility during and post-COVID19. The strategic planning process proposes to use the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to help articulate a sustainable development framework specific for UMAP programs and offerings, one informed by the values of equity, diversity and inclusion for building partnerships for continued higher education excellence.​

This workshop/session will provide a high-level introduction to the UMAP consortium, SDGs, and the strategic planning process (Stakeholder Engagement, Alignment of Organizational Values, KPIs, Assessment & Reporting) undertaken by the consortium. Guided by principles of inclusivity and equitability, the strategic planning process is a collaborative endeavor to establish and maintain sustainable partnerships throughout the UMAP consortium.
The relevance to the international education sector is vast. First and foremost, incorporating the SDGs into the strategic plan for an international mobility consortium in an inclusive and collaborative manner is challenging. The session will discuss the challenges and triumphs that the UMAP members experienced in collaborating together to facilitate stakeholder engagement, alignment of organizational values, set Key Performance Indictors (KPIs) and identify assessment and reporting approaches. This interactive session will engage participants in the co-creation of knowledge related to strategic planning processes with international partners.
Under UMAP International Secretariat (Canada) leadership, this session/workshop will be informed by perspectives from the UMAP SDG Taskforce members, currently comprised of representatives from countries: Brunei, Chile, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and the USA.

Learning outcomes for session/workshop
Upon active participation in the session, participants will:
- Learn about the UMAP consortium and innovative approaches to Learning Abroad post-COVID19
- Learn and co-create knowledge about sustainable partnership development within an international consortium
- Learn and co-create knowledge related to strategic planning processes that are informed by the SDGs related
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Alignment of Organizational Values
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Assessment and Reporting approaches

Speakers 発表者:

Chelsey Laird
Director, UMAP International Secretariat
Vancouver Community College, Canada

Chelsey is the Director of the UMAP International Secretariat. She has over a decade of experience working in the Canadian higher education context, contributing to internationalization initiatives at several public post-secondary institutions. She has led and supported programs such as education abroad, international student engagement and retention, intercultural competency development and international relations management. Most recently, Chelsey was the Senior Manager at the BC Council for International Education (BCCIE) where she led various initiatives in the SE Asia region, including the UMAP Canada initiative, Study in BC activities, and several partnership development and government relations events. Chelsey holds a Bachelor of Arts from Wilfrid Laurier University, a Master of Arts from the University of Gothenburg and is currently pursuing her Doctor of Education from Simon Fraser University.

Abdul Latiff Ahmad
Associate Professor, Director of UKM Global (International Relations Centre), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Abdul Latiff Ahmad is an Associate Professor at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). He is currently a Director of International Relations Centre (UKM Global) and a Senior Lecturer in the Centre of Research in Media and Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, He obtained his BA (Hons) in Politics and International Relations from University of Kent, UK, Masters in Mass Communication from UiTM, Shah Alam, Malaysia and his PHD in Communication Studies from University of Queensland, Australia. He currently holds the position of Regional Vice President Malaysia for the World Communication Association. His research focus is in intercultural communication and internationalization. Abdul Latiff is also a Fulbright alumni.