Featured Session: Vaccination Administration and Student Mobility: Inbound Policies and Conditions for International Students Traveling to the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia
日時 Date/Time: 7/17 13:15-15:15
定員 Capacity: 1,000
使用言語 Language: 本セッションは日本語と英語の併用で行います。This session will be presented in both English and Japanese.
目標水準 Target Levels: 全レベル All levels
プレゼンテーション形式 Format of presentation: プレゼンテーション
事前課題 Pre-assignment: なし
Abstract 概要
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic that began in 2020, physical student mobility has been tightly controlled by immigration authorities worldwide. However, these tight policies may begin to ease after vaccines have been effectively administered, particularly in English-speaking countries. In this session, four guest speakers will introduce the foremost information regarding inbound policies and government regulations in the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia. The report will cover updated information on quarantine and immigration policies with regards to study abroad at language schools and universities. In addition to the report from the four speakers, voices from international educators at various universities will be presented. Since many Japanese universities are considering resuming student exchange from Fall 2021, we hope this session will offer a foundation on how we can continue to collect important information about international student mobility as we enter the post-COVID-19 period.
Speakers 発表者
上奥由和 Yoshikazu UEOKU
全研本社株式会社 取締役 (東証マザーズ上場)
一般財団法人海外留学推進協会 代表理事
一般社団法人海外留学協議会 (JAOS) 理事
一般社団法人 留学サービス審査機構 (J-CROSS) 参与
Director, Zenken Corporation
Representative Director, Study Abroad Association (AIRC Certified)
Director, Japan Association of Overseas Studies
Councilor, Japan Regulation of Overseas Study Services Japan
1990年から1997年まで米国カリフォルニア州に滞在。滞在中、当時日本人留学生700名以上が学んでいたSanta Monica Collegeに在籍し、Japanese Student Associationを立ち上げ初代会長に就任。帰国後、大手留学エージェント(成功する留学)のカウンセラーを経て、2005年全研本社㈱にて留学事業を立ち上げ、現在に至る。2005年米国大学スカラーシップ協会を立ち上げ、返済不要の奨学金の支給を受けて留学できる制度を日本に導入。2011年に一般社団法人海外留学推進協会を設立し、日本唯一AIRCの認定を受け、海外の200以上の大学と提携し、進学希望者の留学相談、留学手続きを無償で行い多くの学生を海外の大学に送り出している。
Yoshikazu Ueoku is the Director at Global Study, Zenken Corp and the Representative Director of Study Abroad Association which is the only Japanese Agency certified by AIRC.
Study Abroad Association is working with more than 200 overseas Universities and Colleges and sending 100s of Japanese students to Degree program well as Academic year program. He is also a Board member of JAOS. He has a good network with other agents include overseas and works toward improvements in the quality of agents in Japan. Since 1998, he has attended NAFSA Annual conference more than 20 times.
ドハティー祥子 Shoko DOHERTY
CEO, ケルティックイングリッシュアカデミー
English UK理事
CEO, Celtic English Academy
Board member of English UK
王立ウェールズ音楽演劇大学卒。ウェールズの首都カーディフにあるBritish Council認定校ケルティック・イングリッシュ・アカデミーのマーケティング担当を経て、2016年CEOに就任。英国語学学校連盟「English UK」の理事 (2017年〜)およびEnglish UK Enterprisesのディレクター (2020年〜)を兼任。ウェールズ政府ウェールズ観光庁のTourism Innovation Product Fund の日本マーケット・プロモーション・プロジェクトにおいてプロジェクト・リーダーを担当 (2018・2019年)。ウェールズ観光推進機構の語学留学産業の代表 (2020年〜)。
自身の留学経験を生かし、経営者側からの観点だけでなく、留学生にとってより質の高い経験の向上を目指し、他の教育機関や観光業とも連携し、イギリスの留学・旅行先としての発展促進へ力を入れる。また、学校経営と3児の子育てを両立する経験から、職場ではAgile Workingを取り入れ、子育てや介護などと仕事を両立する社員にも働きやすい柔軟でインクルーシブな職場環境作りに力を入れる。
• 2018年 Leading Wales Award – Women in Leadershipのファイナリスト
• 2018年 PIEoneer Awards for Marketing Campaign of the Yearのファイナリスト
• 2019年 Chwarae Teg Fairplay Employer Achieving Award
Shoko Doherty is the CEO of Celtic English Academy, a British Council accredited English language school in Cardiff. Shoko is one of the board members at English UK which is the national association of accredited English language centres in the United Kingdom. English UK is a UK registered charity with the key aim of advancing the education of international students in the English language, in the home of the English language.
Holding a music degree from the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cardiff, she enjoys playing and listening to classical music especially the brass band.
As she is educated both in Japan and Wales, and she has a great interest in Music, Heritage and Culture in Wales, she has a strong passion for strengthening the link between these two countries and to promote Wales as a great destination in Japan.
• Leading Wales Award – Finalist of Women in Leadership (2018)
• PIEoneer Awards – Finalist of Marketing Campaign of the year (2018)
• Chwarae Teg Fairplay Employer Achieving Award (2019)
青島宏一郎 Koichiro AOSHIMA
Assistant Director, International Student Services & Outreach
Office of International Programs
San Francisco State University
桜美林大学、国際学部卒業1996年に渡米し、サンフランシスコ州立大学大学院 (コミュニケーション専攻) に在籍。1998年にサンフランシスコ州立大学にて留学生アドバイザーとして採用され、2018年より現職。現在1000人 (84カ国)在籍する正規留学生の学生生活・私生活・アメリカ滞在資格に関わる移民法などの相談・指導を担当。連邦政府の留学生データベース管理、就労許可の申請手続き、その他アメリカの滞在に関する様々な法的義務を留学生が理解・遂行するための指導。また、留学生のリクルートの戦略、マーケティング分析、アメリカ国内外の大学フェア・留学セミナー、編入・進学相談を担当。日本、マレーシアの提携校 (ダブルディグリー及びアーティキュレーション)の窓口。
Originally an international student from Japan, Koichiro Aoshima joined SF State as a student, then staff, and has served SF state since 1998. As the Assist Director of International Student Services & Outreach, he assists prospective, new, and current matriculated international students on F-1 visa status, as well as alumni. His expertise lies in the F-1 immigration regulation interpretation, immigration advising, assisting students in cultural assimilation, and advocating international students. He also handles international recruitment activities in and outside the U.S. which include recruitment planning, strategy assessment, and market analysis. He serves as a liaison to the articulation partner institutions in Japan and Malaysia.
Ben Bonjean
EF Sydney Campus Director of Operations
Ben is the Director of Operations for EF in the Pacific. He oversees EF’s operations in Australia & New Zealand and is based in Sydney. Ben started with EF 12 years ago and has been based in Australia for almost 10 years. Ben is passionate about discovering new cultures and languages. With his French/Australian dual citizenship, he enjoys sharing his love for the Pacific region, and makes sure EF students down-under have the time of their lives.
松崎 久美 Kumi MATSUZAKI
名古屋芸術大学 国際交流センター長
Director, International Exchange Center, Nagoya University of the Arts