Envisioning International Education: Creating Space for Social Engagement, Diversity, and Inclusion
開会挨拶 Opening Address <第一部>「国際教育の本質的な価値・意義を問う」 Speakers 渡部カンコロンゴ清花 Sayaka Kankolongo WATANABE 竹内上人 Kamihito TAKEUCHI |
<第二部> Internationalisation in Higher Education for Society 8月26日(木) 15:00-17:30 (JST UTC+9) Speakers Jeremy BREADEN モデレーター Moderators 米澤 由香子 Yukako YONEZAWA |
水松 巳奈 Mina MIZUMATSU
東洋大学 国際教育センター 講師
Lecturer, Center for Global Education and Exchange, Toyo University
新見 有紀子 Yukiko SHIMMI
東北大学 高度教養教育・学生支援機構 講師
Lecturer, Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, Tohoku University
8月26日(木) 13:15-14:45 (JST UTC+9)
Envisioning Fundamental value of International Education
渡邉 誠 Makoto WATANABE
Envisioning Fundamental value of International Education
渡邉 誠 Makoto WATANABE
千葉大学副学長 教育・国際担当
Vice President, Chiba University
インダストリアル・デザイナー。千葉大学、教育・国際担当理事。1984年千葉大学工学部工業意匠学科卒業。1986年 千葉大学大学院工学研究科修了 工学修士。1992年千葉大学大学院自然科学研究科修了 博士 (工学)。
1986年よりセイコー電子工業 (現セイコーインスツル)に勤務。1995年より千葉大学勤務。2001年英国ブルネル大学客員研究員。専門は工業デザイン。
2005年度から2013年度までグッドデザイン賞審査委員。2013年から2017年まで国際インダストリアルデザイン団体協議会 (ICSID) 理事。2014年3月から2019年6月まで日本デザイン振興会の理事を務める。日本デザイン学会会員。日本デザイン学会副会長を2014年から2015年まで勤める。現在、浙江大学客員教授、南京芸術大学客員教授、広州美術学院客員教授ほか。
Makoto Watanabe received his Doctor of Engineering (DEng) from Chiba University, Japan. He is a former designer at Seiko, Japan. He has been working at Chiba University since 1995. He was a visiting researcher at Brunel University in the UK in 2001. At Chiba University, he is in charge of education and international affairs as a director.
His major field of interest and publication is mainly on Industrial Design. He is a Good Design Fellow of JDP and he was on the jury of the Good Design Award from 2005 to 2013. He was a board member of ICSID from 2013 to 2017. He was Vice President of the Japan Society for the Science of Design from 2014 to 2015.
He is currently a visiting professor at Zhejiang University, Nanjing University of the Arts, and Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.
渡部カンコロンゴ清花 Sayaka Kankolongo WATANABE
NPO法人WELgee 代表理事
Founder & CEO, NPO WELgee
1991年静岡県生まれ。様々な背景を持つ子ども若者が出入りする実家で育つ。トビタテ!留学JAPAN1期生として、バングラデシュの紛争地にてNGOの駐在員・国連開発計画(UNDP)インターンに参画。2016年に日本に逃れてきた難民の仲間たちとNPO法人WELgeeを創業し、日本に逃れてきた難民と企業の新しい価値創造を創出する伴走型の人材サービス「JobCopass」を運営。静岡文化芸術大学卒、東京大学大学院「人間の安全保障プログラム」修士課程修了。グローバル・コンソーシアムINCO主催『Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2018』グランプリ受賞。Forbes 30 under 30、Japan & Asia 選出。Global Shapers 東京ハブ所属。Makers University1期生。内閣府世界青年の船参加青年。
Sayaka Kankolongo Watanabe is dedicated to the empowerment and social participation of refugees in Japan. A United Nations Development Program internship and experience in conflict areas showed her the plight of people unprotected by their own countries; to foster hope for those in Japan, she founded nonprofit WELgee (WELGEE+refugee) in 2016. Through cultural exchanges, job recruitment and corporate training, she helps them build a brighter future. She won a prize of Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2018 organized by INCO France, Forbes 30 under 30 Japan 2018 & Asia 2019.
竹内上人 Kamihito TAKEUCHI
マッケン・キャリアコンサルタンツ株式会社 代表取締役
President, McKEN Career Consultants Ltd.
After graduating from Doshisha University (majored in labor-management relations) in 1986, Kamihito developed his expertise in personnel and labor operations at multiple corporations, including Seiko Epson Corporation and transcosmos Inc. In 2014, he started Macken Career Consultants Co., Ltd., a human resources business company. The company supports practical personnel management and recruiting of relatively small or medium-sized enterprises. He has also been involved in international student career education since 2015 at Yokohama National University, Tohoku University, Gakushuin University, and most recently at Shinshu University. Kamihito is a qualified career consultant.
8月26日(木) 15:00-17:30 (JST UTC+9)
<第二部> Internationalisation in Higher Education for Society
Elspeth JONES
Emerita Professor of the Internationalisation of Higher Education, Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom
Elspeth Jones is Emerita Professor of the Internationalisation of Higher Education, Leeds Beckett University UK, and founding editor of the influential book series, Internationalization in Higher Education (Routledge). She was awarded the inaugural North Star Medal of Lifetime Achievement in Transnational Research (Noam Chomsky Global Connections Awards) and is past recipient of the EAIE Award for Excellence in Research. She hosts a YouTube channel featuring conversations with international educators.
Elspeth’s particular interests revolve around the student experience, from strategic leadership to personal, professional and employability outcomes from international mobility, internationalisation of the curriculum at home and abroad, global citizenship and intercultural competence development, as well as the role of languages in internationalisation. She is past Chair of the EAIE’s Expert Community on Internationalisation at Home and has worked with a range of organisations including UNESCO, European Commission, European Parliament, International Association of Universities, Nafsa, the International Education Association of Australia, and a range of universities, ministries and other organisations across six continents. She worked at the British Council in Kyoto and Tokyo for three years and greatly enjoyed her life in Japan.
Presentation Title: Implementing Internationalisation of Higher Education for Society
Associate Professor, Monash University, Australia
Jeremy Breaden is Associate Professor and Convenor of the Japanese Studies program in the Faculty of Arts, Monash University, Australia. He is the author of The Organisational Dynamics of University Reform in Japan (2013), Articulating Asia in Japanese Higher Education (2018) and Family-run Universities in Japan (2020, co-authored with Roger Goodman). He is currently undertaking an Australian Research Council-funded project on the history of meritocracy and education reform in postwar West Germany and Japan, and has emerging research interests in inclusive approaches to international education, and transnational entrepreneurship and local community development in Japan. Jeremy teaches a variety of courses on contemporary Japanese society and social institutions in Asia and has supervised doctoral research projects on topics ranging from script reform to translation in international business. He lived in Japan for a cumulative total of eight years (initially as a university exchange student) and used to visit Japan several times a year for research and advisory activities prior to the pandemic.
Presentation Title: Challenges for International Education in a Multicultural Society: The Case of Australia