Envision, Design, Invent: Alternative and Preferred Futures of Global Experiences in 2050
Date/Time: 8/27 10:40-12:00 (80min)
Capacity: 30
Language: English
Target level: 全レベル / All levels
Format of presentation: Mix of lecture and audience participation
Pre-assignment: ある / Yes I would like to have participants fill out a short survey. Should take no more than 10 minutes
Abstract 概要
Where will you be in 2050—a time in the not-too-distant-present. Will you still be actively engaged in global education? Retired? Enjoying some type of "not-of-this-world" experience? Regardless of where we personally may find ourselves, perhaps 2050 will be a time when our students of today are in positions that somewhat resemble what we are doing in the present? Or then again, perhaps not?
The session is intended for anyone interested in possible, probable, and preferable futures of global experiences and aims to challenge participants to identify, envision, and create the global experiences of the tomorrow known as 2050.
The session will familiarize participants with basic terminologies, methods, and processes used in future studies. In particular, the session will introduce a methodology known as the Six Pillars Approach developed by Sohail Inayatullah. Furthermore, futures studies pioneer James Dator's "Second Law of the Future" will serve as our starting point. Namely, "any useful idea of the future should appear ridiculous".
Rest assured that we will not be looking into crystal balls, gazing up to the stars, or reading tarot cards to provide any "predictions" of the future, but rather the goal is to envision, develop, and create not only alternative futures but our preferred future. No one knows what 2050 is going to look like, and that is even more a reason to envision, design, and invent alternative and preferred futures of global experiences. After all, 1992 was just yesterday, wasn't it?
Speakers 発表者:
Brian Masshardt
Associate Professor, Musashi University